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Srprs me: An honest review of destination unknown

There comes a time in everyone’s life when we want to do something spontaneous.

We all have different perspectives on what spontaneity is, but for those who love travel, a surprise trip to an unknown destination has certainly crossed your mind at least once.

Flying out to a secret destination raises so many questions: Is it worth the money? Is it safe? What do I pack? The questions go on, and for heavy planners and highly organised travellers, a surprise trip to an unknown destination might seem like your worse nightmare.

The saddening fact is that many people are disencouraged when considering a spontaneous trip away due to the uncertainty and endless questions, and with overtly positive social media posts, it can be difficult to gain an insight to the realities of a surprise trip.

So, here we are with all of your questions answered in an honest review of taking a surprise trip with Srprs.Me, written from the first-hand experience of someone who took a last minute solo trip to an unknown destination.

What is Srprs.Me?

Srprs.Me is an online website where you can book trips to a secret destination. You can either travel via a road trip or by flying, and you have as much control as you’d like.

You can opt for a complete surprise trip, to anywhere in Europe, or anywhere outside of Europe (if travelling for longer than a standard city break). This means that you’ll find out where you’ll be flying to at the airport around two hours before departure.

You have the option to control your trip as much as you like. You can opt for a surprise from selected destinations, remove destinations that you’ve already visited, and add your bucket list places. The world is your oyster!

But the fun is that you just don’t know where you’ll be travelling to, and you don’t need to worry about planning anything. The team at Srprs.Me will create a personalised trip to suit your preferences. It’s spontaneous, exciting, and even a bit nerve-wracking. But it’s definitely worth giving it a go at least once.

Srprs.Me Barcelona
Srprs.Me trip to Barcelona

Other surprise trip options

You may have heard of other surprise trip options. For example, the £99 holiday. Although this is still fun and spontaneous, you’ll usually find out the location a lot sooner. This helps you prepare, plan and pack. However, with Srprs.Me, the planning is completely out of your hands. You have no idea where you’ll be visiting until the very last minute.

What do you pack for destination unknown?

This is a question that gets asked a lot. If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you know what to pack?

With Srprs.Me, you will receive a notification around one week prior to your trip date. This will show the expected weather in the destination that you’re travelling to. Therefore, it’s possible to create a packing list based on the weather suggestions.

It’s certainly worth noting that weather can change, and you’ll benefit from packing additional items for the unexpected. For example, if the weather appears to be sunny, this can change. So, it’s worth packing a coat or jacket just in case. 

The same goes with colder weather. Many Western European countries can be cool one day and hot the next, so keep this in mind in case the weather is hot while you visit.

Can you remove destinations that you’ve already visited?

When booking a surprise trip  with Srprs.Me, you’ll also have the option from many different themes. 

One of the themes, New Places, will allow you to submit several European cities that you have already visited. This way, you’ll be guaranteed to visit a new location.

You can also opt for other themes focused on specific factors such as food or weather, or even outside of Europe for a longer holiday.

What is the accommodation like?

When booking a trip through Srprs.Me, you have the option to choose the standard of your accommodation.  You will be able to choose your accommodation from shared rooms (hostel), standard hotel, comfortable, or premium. The price will vary depending on your chosen accommodation.

All stays will be close enough to the city centre or main tourist attractions so that you can navigate around the area safely and easily.

Srprs.Me trip accommodation

Is a surprise trip worth the money?

Although Srprs.Me trips cater to many different budgets, it can get on the slightly pricier side if you’re hoping for a slightly longer stay, specific airports or high quality accommodation. Therefore, it’s understandable that people may not believe that it’s worth it.

Essentially, most people are paying for the novelty of travelling to a destination unknown. Although you may save some money if you book a destination yourself, you won’t have the excitement of not knowing where you’ll be visiting. 

However, if you usually book your trips through a travel agent, it’s possible that the pricing will not be much different. Agencies tend to take fees from the booking cost – that’s how they stay in business! So, of course Srprs.Me will take a fee, but so will your typical travel agency. Therefore, is it worth it? Absolutely yes.


  • Kelsey Haslam

    Kelsey is a travel writer who has featured in luxury travel publications such as Beau Monde Traveler, Luxury Lifestyle Magazine and Ladies What Travel. Kelsey is driven by her wanderlust and eagerness to visit new, lesser-known destinations. She loves getting creative, travel and lifestyle topics. Her travel list is forever growing.

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Kelsey Haslam

Kelsey is a travel writer who has featured in luxury travel publications such as Beau Monde Traveler, Luxury Lifestyle Magazine and Ladies What Travel.

Kelsey is driven by her wanderlust and eagerness to visit new, lesser-known destinations. She loves getting creative, travel and lifestyle topics. Her travel list is forever growing.

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