Author: Julie Stevens


  • Julie Stevens

    Julie Stevens is a published travel writer, blogger, photographer and YouTube host with an extensive background in the performing arts. She started acting, modeling and dancing at a young age and caught the travel bug early on while working on board Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. She launched A Model Traveler to share her passion for the arts and adventure travel. She has been featured in digital and print publications sharing her experiences of trekking El Camino de Santiago, scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef, salsa dancing in Costa Rica, eating and drinking her way through Italy, relaxing on the island of Bali, soaring over Sedona in a hot air balloon, taking a road trip through the Scottish Highlands and photographing wildlife while on safari in Kenya, Africa. Julie is originally from Seattle, Washington, and currently lives and works abroad in London, England. She loves connecting with people from all over the world and hopes to inspire others to dream big and travel often! Connect with Julie via her blog, YouTube channel and social media sites. Blog: YouTube: Instagram: Facebook:

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